I had hoped for a somewhat warmer reception from the Dean to my idea that we should follow Cardinal Hoya's fine example in Westminster on Saturday and introduce a little Latin here at the cathedral. But whilst my post-Eucharistic coffee went cold he proceeded to bore me with his liturgical critique of the Trindentine Mass, his opinions on the Second Vatican Council and, of course, the history of the Reformation. And by the time I got back to the vestry, all the biscuits had been eaten! Of course, my point (which was completely lost on the Dean) was that by reverting to the Vulgate we might once more have a Eucharist that members of the congregation from whatever background would understand. Instead, we're battling against old versions of the Lord's Prayer and simultaneous translations into Portuguese and Polish. Free movement across European borders is a wondrous thing, so how about a European language to go with it? And for ecclesiastical purposes we have one ready and waiting - Latin.
Thanks for popping over to mine!
There's stiff competition in the bass section of the Manchester Chorale, but there's always a warm welcome! Are you local?
We're doing the radio 4 morning serivice again soon - keep an ear out for us!
I haven't got a fantasy music list, but can I nominate Elgar's "The Shower" one of my favourites? Pearsall's "Lay a Garland" comes close, oh, and Stanford's "Three Latin Motets". Hang on, I am compiling a list, I'll be back!
Oh, please do! I'll look forward to reading the list, when you've finished.
Threaten the bugger with forty-six choruses of 'Kumbaya' with tambourine backing.
On second thoughts, it may be one risk too many...
I was brought up on the Tridentine Mass, as an altar boy before the Second Vatican Council, and I have never got used to this smiley, feel good mass they've replaced it with. I have a tape of the latin mass at Downham Market which I still play from time to time - the latin always sounds like mumbled gobbledygook as if the priest hardly knew what i meant but my nostalgia gives it meaning. Good luck in your attempts to get it back.
yes, I'm all in favour of reintroducing Latin. I have grade 1 Latin O'level and I have been waiting for my chance to shine.
And i still remember some Latin from school, its not something you forget!
Indeed! Believe me, ladies, I shall work on them!
Good luck on your Latin quest. I agree..revive it...
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